Features & Updates

NurseIO is releasing some major improvements to our platform. Our aim is to listen and be responsive to the needs of our facility partners. Check out some of our latest features below!

New Features

With features such as messaging capabilities, system offered shifts, and more, you are sure to get everything you want (and need) from the NurseIO app!

NurseIO App on phone with nurse bio

Find a Professional

Now when you post a shift, you can select from hundreds (and in some cases thousands) of qualified professionals. These HCPs can be marked as “Favorites” and are sorted by the best match for the shift. Send the offer to one or more HCPs before opening up to all professionals. Simply click the “Find a Professional” link on the Post Shift page to try it out!

NurseIO App on phone with chat feature

In-App Messaging

Communicating with your NurseIO Healthcare Professionals has never been easier! You will no longer have to call us to relay a message to an HCP for you, because you now have the capability to message them directly in the NurseIO app! The best part? The HCPs can message you back instantly!

NurseIO App on phone with message that nurse completed her first shift

Rate Your HCP

Facility users and managers can now rate HCPs after their shifts. In our ongoing effort to enhance user experience and empower facility users and managers in selecting the best Health Care Professionals (HCPs) for their shifts, we are introducing a new feature: the HCP Rating System.

NurseIO App on phone with message of "You've been offered a Shift"

System Offered Shifts

Fill shifts immediately with top-skilled Healthcare Professionals. Our new System-Offered Shifts feature is a self-learning, algorithm-driven feature that will match the best HCP to your posted shifts.

NurseIO App on phone with calendar

Facility App Refresh

When you visit the NurseIO app, you will now see an easy-to-navigate screen complete with a one-click add a shift screen, quick “Unfilled” shifts view, and so much more! View, notate, and favorite Healthcare Professionals for easy identification and access.

NurseIO App on phone with nurse bio

HCP Badges and Levels

Quickly identify seasoned professionals by the badges, experience, reviews, and status level of the HCP as you scroll through the list. Find and “Favorite” those professionals which will be best suited for your facility.